Wednesday 9 November 2016

the liberal elite

Liberals: you only have yourselves to blame. 

Donald Trump did not say 'all Mexicans are rapists'. Nor did he even say 'they're rapists', as a casual, racist brushstroke of an entire country's core character. 

He said that Mexico, as a nation, was not sending over their brightest talents to aid the economy of America. Rather, 'they' were sending 'their' rapists. 

So, not all Mexicans are rapists; but the ones that are, they are the ones coming to the USA. 

'Their rapists'. 

Now, that is still a deplorable, detestable thing to say. I reckon it scores about a 99 on the hatespeechometer. 

And 'they're rapists' gets a perfect 100 (ding ding ding!). 

So what is the point of nitpicking over this, with only a single hate-point between the two statements? 

Well, 'they're rapists' isn't what Donald Trump said. And then the argument becomes about what he did or didn't actually say, rather than if what he said was bad. 

You have a very good chance of winning the latter argument (even at just 99 hateful rather than 100), but the former argument? Not so much. 

This is also, partly, due to our condescending attitude towards Trump supporters: we felt the need to simplify things for them. We didn't have faith that people could see him as the hateful figure we could perceive, so we dumbed down what he said for them. I know, quite a feat; but we managed it. 

We spoke to people like they were morons; to make ourselves feel clever, superior. 

And we embellished the truth, which gave credence to ridiculous claims of rigged ballots and a biased media. 

We didn't tell it like it is. We got into a lying contest with the world's least sincere man. 

We done goofed. 

Liberal elite: 2 stars. 

If we're so smart, how did we screw up this election? 

Also, Brexit. 

Non-English speaking world, crack on without us. Good luck. Sincerely. 

Canada, give in to your French side. New Zealand, save yourself. 

'They're' and 'their' sound very similar , but if you listen to the context, it is clear which one he was saying. 

lol at Brits ragging on Americans. You are on your high horse, in a glass house, and that horse is throwing rocks.

What qualifies me as a member of the liberal elite? Well, I have been drinking flat whites since 2013. 

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